61 2 9248 9600
We are committed to forming close partnerships with our clients. This way we can understand your unique situation and customise the assistance we provide to suit your needs. Our commitment to excellence is evident in the hardworking nature of our staff, and the exceptional service we offer.
Our enthusiasm for our work means you are provided with a friendly team of professionals who are eager to use their expertise to help you succeed.
While the company is large enough to offer a comprehensive range of services across the broad accounting and financial spectrum, it remains small enough to ensure that all clients have direct and immediate access to senior persons for consultation and advice. Our clients include the various professions and range from advertising to engineering, large private schools, hospitality, printing, real estate, travel, import and export, merchant banking, recruitment, hotels, registered clubs and small subsidiaries of foreign companies.
We take great care in staff selection, thereby ensuring competence and professionalism, experience, qualification and integrity for the position.
To keep up to date, we have a comprehensive training / update program and educational programs.
Our services are based on the friendliness, efficiency and understanding of our staff. Whatever the assignment, our clients can depend on co-operation and courtesy. Confidentiality is assured.
To help us provide you with a complete service, we have a wide variety of modern office equipment and experienced staff. Our office facilities are available to clients whenever appropriate.
In addition to providing general accounting, auditing and taxation services, Watson Erskine have developed a broad range of expertise with wide commercial and financial application. This enables us to assist clients in privately owned businesses, professional people and owner operations.
Please follow this link to read the Watson Erskine & Co Pty Ltd Capability Statement.
This document provides information about the expertise our firm has in the services it offers and addresses our capabilities in Taxation and Accounting, Audit and Assurance, Business Services, Estate Administration, Corporate Services and information about Watson Erskine.
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.