61 2 9248 9600
Auditor - Intermediate
Role: The position involves a combination of both business services (tax and accounting) and audit.
Experience requirements: Graduates and up to three years public practice experience in Australia.
The position involves a mix of audit (see below) and the preparation of financial statements and income tax returns for individuals, partnerships, trusts, and companies as well as the preparation of fringe benefits tax returns and business activity statements.
We will provide training with respect to the preparation of financial statements and income tax returns.
Audits include exposure to general purpose and special purpose financial statements for large proprietary companies, unlisted public companies and not-for-profits.
Good computer skills essential. Employees seeking membership with Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand preferred.
The ideal candidate must have strong writing and speaking skills and have the enthusiasm and energy and initiative to work collaboratively with team members.
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.