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Each year your SMSF auditor will form an opinion on the fund's financial statements and its compliance with super laws. Generally, as long as you follow the rules, the auditor will give you an unqualified Independent Auditor's Report (IAR).
If your SMSF auditor forms the opinion that the financial reports are inaccurate or you have not complied with the super laws, they will qualify the IAR. Your auditor is also required by law to report certain matters to the ATO in an Auditor Contravention Report (ACR).
The ATO are aware that some trustees (or their advisers) have terminated an auditor engagement when the auditor raised issues or concerns, and appointed a different auditor instead. While it is your right to appoint the SMSF auditor of your choice, you should be aware that an auditor's obligation to report to the ATO exists whether they complete the audit engagement or not. Even if they are removed from an engagement, they are still required to report identified contraventions.
Auditors can also report any additional information they believe is relevant. The ATO encourages auditors to advise if they believe they were removed from an engagement because they raised an issue or concern with the trustees. This information will be considered when the ATO undertake a risk assessment of your fund.
Your auditor is a professional who can help you to understand how a contravention occurred and discuss options to fix it. It is better to work with your auditor when an issue is identified rather than try to cover it up or ignore it.
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.